Work Together (Archive)

Entrepreneuriat coopératif pour les jeunes

Note aux lecteurs : Il s’agit d’une archive avec des liens fonctionnels de l’édition “Work Together” envoyée en 2015.

Si vous souhaitez voir l’affichage original, vous pouvez le trouver ici. (Veuillez noter que les liens ne fonctionnent pas).


‘Working together for a cooperative future’: a new video that gives the floor to young cooperators

Coop4Job: cooperative tool to boost youth entrepreneurship

The young European cooperators network meets in Italy

A teaching toolkit to explain worker and social cooperatives in France


Towards 2020: the cooperative movement meets in Turkey

CICOPA shares the word on business transfer to employees at the Solikon Conference

Momentum given to worker and production cooperatives in Dominican Republic

Care services cooperatives launched a web page and videos to prevent occupational risks

Back to school for social cooperatives!

Section des actualités européennes

Toward a better support of enterprises integrating long term unemployed into the labour market?

The European Parliament adopts a resolution on social entrepreneurship and social innovation in combating unemployment

Worker & social cooperatives in Europe unveil their new image

Social cooperatives represent 44,5% of total jobs created in the sector of health and social care in Italy

One step forward for the Sociedades laborales in Spain, enterprises owned by their workers

Section des nouvelles de l’Amérique du Sud

Cette section a été construite avec CICOPA Mercosur

Paraguayan cooperatives protest against the increase of the VAT

In Argentina, more than 100 workers have bought out an enterprise of Mate

Section d’actualités de l’Amérique du Nord

Canada: worker cooperatives taking action to address climate change

It’s the cooperative month in the United States!

Section d’information sur l’Asie

Intercooperation between worker cooperatives in South Korea and the USA