
Become a Member

Join us!

Why become a member of CICOPA?
  • To make your voice heard
  • To play an active role inside the international cooperative movement
  • To contribute and benefit from common knowledge
  • To be always up-to date on last policy developments
  • To strengthen your network capacities
  • To increase the visibility of your organisation
Who can become member?
  • Representative organisations of worker cooperatives, industrial cooperatives, artisan cooperatives, service cooperatives, or social cooperatives, at supra-national, national, or sub-national level.
  • Organisations promoting or willing to promote such cooperatives, be they non-governmental organisations or governmental ones.

All members of CICOPA must be either direct members, or members of members of the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA).

Not a member of the ICA yet? You can apply here.

How to become a member?

If you are already member of the ICA, you can apply as:

  • Full member if you are a representative organisation of worker and social cooperatives at supra-national, national or sub-national level;
  • Associate member if you are:
    • An institution whose mission is to support the creation and development of cooperatives in our sector;
    • A sectoral organization of full member organisations;
    • An organization which prevalently represents enterprises that are neither worker cooperatives or social cooperatives, and are characterized by a majority participation of the workers or producers in the management and ownership of the enterprise.

Interested? find out here how to join and contact us at cicopa@cicopa.coop

How much does it cost?

CICOPA membership includes no additional charges, as the cost of membership is already included in the ICA membership package. For a quote contact the International Cooperative Alliance.

Is your organisation based in Europe, America or Asia?

Members of CICOPA must also be members of their corresponding CICOPA regional organization. At present, the active CICOPA regional organisations are: