Work Together (Archive)

Égalité coopérative

Note aux lecteurs : Il s’agit d’une archive avec des liens fonctionnels de l’édition “Work Together” envoyée en 2015.

Si vous souhaitez voir l’affichage original, vous pouvez le trouver ici. (Veuillez noter que les liens ne fonctionnent pas).


Worker and social cooperatives fostering equality by putting solidarity and democracy in the workplace

The Cooperative model as a tool for shared awareness

Speaking of gender equality

Worker cooperatives build a stronger economy: lessons from Zambia


First global report on industrial and service cooperatives

Governments, as well as employers’ and workers’ organizations from around the world agree to promote the creation of cooperatives within the framework of the ILO

Cooperatives mentioned in the ILO recommendation to tackle the informal economy

Care through cooperatives: answer to the ILO survey

Section des actualités européennes

Democratic enterprises promoting intergenerational and gender equality

More than 1,000 cooperators celebrate 30 years of social cooperatives in Italy

More than 1,000 cooperators celebrate 30 years of social cooperatives in Italy

Worker cooperatives drive employment recovery

Workers buy-out: 30 years creating wealth in Italy

3,000 jobs created in worker cooperatives in France

Section des nouvelles de l’Amérique du Sud

Cette section a été construite avec CICOPA Mercosur

Argentina’s cooperative industrialization

Section d’actualités de l’Amérique du Nord

Intercooperation in North America: the creation of the first worker-owned bakery

Section d’actualités de l’Océanie

Supporting community groups to develop renewable energy projects in Australia